
and it's only tuesday!

the year is off to a good start, no?

evie is four. beans is somewhat calm. i saw my first ever NHL game--rangers v blackhawks in chicago. jeremy and i are getting married. there's a new president as of this afternoon.

how many "when hell freezes over" benchmarks are we breaking already?

angela engaged, check.
minority president, check.
the dog, calm, check check.

happy happy joy joy!


monday, monday

i'm thinking about evie, about evie being born and evie wrapped in a small flannel blanket tucked into the crook of my arm while i sat on the couch of the old house on allen and watched the inaugration of GWB. she was less than a month old, and even in that moment i remembered sobbing at nearly 9 months pregnant, so full of defeat and disappointment when john kerry didn't win. to be fair, it isn't as though i was excited about john kerry. i had just seen a third friend off to the war in iraq and i couldn't vote for anyone who wanted to prolong it.

so there i was, on the couch and pregnant and in great pain after having taken a tumble down some steps while conducting election endorsement work with a non-profit, sobbing because i could not believe i could work so hard and lose. and then, a few months later, little evie snoring and me watching and telling her i couldn't believe her first four years would be like this, with this man.

i don't want to forget it. i don't want to become lazy and complacent just because the best of the bunch won. if anything, we've got to try harder now, right? if there's a lesson here. it's the same it was when the vote was certified for GWB in 2000: don't get cocky. you lose when you get cocky (see: Manny Ramirez, unable to secure MLB contract this off-season.)

obama has what they call, in the NBA, "tremendous upside potential." but it's out job, isn't it, to stay on his ass and get him there the way i imagine izzo did with the flintstones.

so that's it, that's my thought: let's all be obama's izzo. let's push him to win it all, not just to bask in what is an undeniably lovely narrative with a lovely first act ending.


just to be clear

i don't want tax cuts, obama. i want you to forgive all student loan debts. ALL.

how much would that cost, compared to 300 billion in tax cuts? (that number may be wrong, my coffee buzz is waning and i don't feel like checking my sources. the irony, i know.)