
doublespeak, newspeak, scooter libby, leak

maggie posted this link today on her blog; you can find it here.

i love the "double-speak" here--hard core right wingers will say that there was nothing illegally done, because the president declassified the info; they'll ignore what everyone else will pounce on: the reactionary/vindictive practices of this administration, i.e. blowing the cover of a CIA agent to make an example of her husband, who dared to question the administration.

a thought: even if Bush did declassify the info, wouldn't someone have alerted plame to the fact, and taken steps to insure her safety, etc first? and perhaps even gone so far as to secure the informants she was working with, in the interests of protecting the national security this group of jackyls claims to care so much about?

suggested reading:

1984, george orwell (pay special attention to the middle section, about newspeak)
[also, read the afterward carefully; orwell writes about the moment the US changed the name of the department of war to the department of defense as one of the "light bulbs" going off in his head that something was shifting]

politics and the english language

animal farm

obvious choices, i know...but still quite frightening when you see the similarities between such a nightmarish regime and, well, this nightmarish regime we live beneath.


for a more comprehensive overview on orwell, check out the wikipedia entry.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, Libby's saying that just by virtue of the Pres giving word that he wanted the info given to the press that, alone, "declassified" the material. Terrible logic. And, like it says in the article, the President is not authorized to declassify information without making it known that he's declassifying it.

Anonymous said...

W doesn't even authorize when he's going to take his mid-afternoon nap. Big Brother Cheney does that for him. And if the cabbagehead did want the information to be made public why didn't he fess up like a real man and tell us himself? Or have his chubby little mouthpiece Scott McLellan tell us for him, which has become the norm in lieu of the President actually briefing the press on a regular basis. And then when this shit hit the fan why didn't W just step up and say, "Yeah, I did it." and give the Libby a Presidential pardon.