terry/terri gross annoys the bejeezus out of me. few annoy me more.
except today, when her guest is none other than lame -o ben affleck. check mate.
gag me with whatever's closest...which seems to be this nalgene bottle.
why, oh why, national public radio? it is terrible enough to have to listen to her silly, randomly off-topic, juvenile questions...but now you are double-teaming your faithful listeners with a dose of moron-squared?
praying for patience...
Amen! You should have a listen to her interview with Philip Roth for a chuckle and/or gag. Whenever she has nothing relevant to say she laughs. And she laughs nonstop in this interview. My boss listens to her in the office adjacent to my desk...Terry's voice floats out through the open door. Nearly insufferable. This is Berkeley. You have to love everything and everyone on NPR if you live here.
Terry Gross is absolutely the worst on NPR. Somebody should start a petition to get her fired -since she is not going to fire herself! She ruins my dinner most nights!
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