do you think we can get a few grand for this?
not only was i obsessed with this cereal during my pregnancy (ask Tim, who duttifully dropped off boxes of the stuff, along with tomato soup and canned pineapple) but also while nursing.
we can play the sort of "generational" angle, you know, like those old Quaker Oats commercials.
this is all part of my grand plan for either man-wife or myself to be a stay-at-home. well, if it's man-wife, we know what that means...he and Evie and Beans playing Settlers of Catan all day. hey, if anyone can teach a dog to play board games, it's Jeremy.
Posting a video is easy...Just upload your video clip to either google video or you tube. When the upload is done, it will give you a variety of options from sending the video via email, embedding the html code into a blog/email or posting directly to your blog. It is so easy, I couldn't believe that it took me so long to figure out. Enjoy and have fun! Take care, TKP's old roomie, Meg
this picture of evie= too freaking precious. wow her hair has changed so much since the days of baby mullets. she is beautiful ang.
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