
because i am feeling very catholic right now

from http://saints.sqpn.com/saintado.htm:

Saint Albert of Montecorvino

5 April
Taken to Montecorvino in Apulia, Italy as a child. Bishop. He became blind in later years, but was known to his visions, and as a miracle worker.
in Normandy
1127 at Montecorvino, Apulia, Italy
Print References
Dictionary of Saints, by John Delaney
español | français | deutsch | italiano | português
anyhow, i am fascinated by the "profile" section--april 5th was the day evie had her stick/eye incident.

maggie, maybe per our conversation last night, this is less coincidence?

in other news, i have lit every one of my saint's candles which will still light, and i have an almost uncontrollable urge to go to church.


Tim said...

Some stand-up comedian has a joke where he talks about the final stage of Catholicism, where you don't have God any more, just the saints. ;-)

At any rate, sometimes it is nice to have a religion where habits and routines can give you meaning, comfort, and a small sense of control.

angela said...

you're absolutely correct! very few non-catholics understand/want to understand the purpose of saints. i like to think of them as "god's cabinet". but there is something very powerful, in those moments when you feel as though you've lost it all and are naked to the world, about being bare in the presence of such compassion.