
you are my sunshine

evie wanted to sleep in my bed and "look at the stars" before night-time song fun tonight. by look at the stars, she meant look at the glow-in-the-dark sticker that are on the ceiling.

at the same time i let her request songs.

along with the standards--"twinkle, twinkle little star", "the itsy-bitsy spider" and "the wheels on the bus"--she requested:

"fire and rain", james taylor
"someday god's gonna cut you down", johnny cash ("mom, he means god's going to cut down your tree")
"you are my sunshine", johnny cash & bob dylan

touching, swoon-tastic moment of the year: evie sang me her own version of "sunshine":

you are my mommy
my only mommy
you make me happy
when skies are blue
you'll never know dear
how much i love you
please don't take my mommy away

she then sang a song about seeing stars that are pointed like diamonds and holding them in her hands, and another about a door that opens and shuts in the sky.

i am lucky.

and now for something new

can't stop listening.


bad office romance

the bad office romance playlist. i love npr.

you know, in the military, when your boss comes onto you, they get court-martialed.

anyway. you know who i mean.

wink wink, nod nod, sometimes karma takes too damn long.


this is just unreal

are you kidding me? i mean, really, really kidding me? i am supposed to take this woman seriously?

Sarah Palin exceeds expectations -- and still loses | Salon News
And the way she -- not Biden -- brought up his wife, Jill. "I know education you are passionate about with your wife being a teacher for 30 years, and God bless her," Palin said. "Her reward is in heaven, right?" (That was followed immediately by Palin giving "a shout out" to her brother's elementary school students.)


answer to obama attack ad

here's the attack ad:

here's what the obama campaign should answer with:

sarah palin no speak-y the english

i don't know how my friend tim does it, but by the time i am just beginning to get my brain going, he has already read, digested and eloquently blogged all things of interest to me.

so it was one of tim's recent posts that turned me on to this slate.com article about trying to diagram sarah palin's sentences.

remember the charlie gibson interview, wherein he asked a question, she babbled, and he said something like, i'm sorry did you answer the question? i just heard a bunch of words...

bush in a skirt, indeed.

says the author, kitty burns florey:

To me, it's not English—it's a collection of words strung together to elicit a reaction, floating ands and prepositional phrases ("with that vote of the American people") be damned. It requires not a diagram but a selection of push-buttons.


Yet surely, more than most of us, politicians need to be able to think on their feet, to have a brain that works quickly and rationally under pressure. Do we really want to be led by someone who, when asked a straightforward question, flails around like an undergraduate who stayed up all night boozing instead of studying for the exam?


i'd like to have a contest where we all have a mock debate, wherein we answer the same questions as the candidates. the winner will be the contestant who actually answers the questions. clearly. deductions will be taken for any "well, yes and no..." responses.

political drinking games

i read a lot of news. sometimes i write news. i listen to news and watch it, too. and it seems every politician says the same thing. so let's start keeping score...here's what i hear all the time:

1. "Doing nothing is not an option."
2. "She's a heartbeat away from the presidency."
3. "Moving (insert state/ country/ company name here) forward."

i know i am missing some...so help me out :)