
to-do list

-crochet evie a poncho
-learn to crochet (ask mom)
-find "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" (somewhere in house?)
-buy new copy of Edith Hamilton's "Mythology"...Jen has mine?

books to purchase/read/find at library (get a library card!)
-The Simulcra Philip K. Dick
-People's Histroy of the United States Howard Zinn
-The Chronicles of Narnia C.S. Lewis
-The Big Lie

watch "Loose Change" on Google Video; rent movie "9/11"; compare and contrast

-locate and read infamous Rumsfield manifesto, "Rebuilding America's Defenses".

-find out what "map files" are, and why they are recommended for storing chapbooks
-make list of books mentioned on Silliman's site; be on the lookout for them @ Curious

-change myspace quote to "just because he's being quiet doesn't make what he's saying any less insane".

1 comment:

Heaton said...

did you know that it is impossible to be unhappy in a poncho?