
(i was TAGGED!)

the topic is: list six stupid things or facts about you.

1. I can't sleep without locking the front door.

2. I'm awful about cuting my hair. It's pure laziness. I haven't cut it since last March, and it's getting so long I can cover myself like Eve. Well, except with more sin and split ends.

3. I'll hit the snooze button for an hour or more, if you let me. By "you", of course, I am referring to Jeremy, Evie, and the dog (Beans).

4. I'm fantastically judgemental...I've even made lists of characteristics in people which drive me batty. Seriously. And I'm pretty sure I posted it somewhere.

5. I still haven't read the Harry Potter books, or watched The Sopranos, or the Harry Potter movies...I'm not really one to be reading or watching what everyone else is. Exception: The Lord of the Rings (says the Lord of the NErds!)

6. If one more person asks me "when Evie is going to get her little brother" (besides my mom, she can do whatever the fuck she pleases) I am going to vomit on them. That's not really a fact, that's just a warning.

Ah, hunger + caffiene = Moody-gela

Yes, and tag everyone. If you read this, consider yourself tagged:)

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