
i fell for you like a child

i think if you click on the image below, it'll play the movie. i don't want to spoil it for you, but the reason i started filming it was obviously because she was dancing to "ring of fire" while saying JOHNNY CASH! JOHNNY CASH! (side note: today evie asked me if j.c.wore hats when it was cold. how adorable.) the undeniable bonus of the video is that she's so excited she opens the door and starts calling to jeremy to come inside and dance to the man in black with her. ah, like mother, like evie.

new photos, etc.

evie's obviously in a headgear phase. between the googles, the hats, the rambo-bands and now this knit ear warmer thing--well, she can do whatever she wants, she's two.

she does look a little "hyper-aware", however.

in other news, she's gone on the potty a few times in the past 4 days. which means the no-pressure potty-training approach of the last 3 weeks may be the best so far! and, bonus, it was all my idea.
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i had my rant prepared

...until man-wife pointed out who the force behind the legislation is: and it's not those karl rove evangelical puppets.

my original thought was, "wow, another attempt by the population of Jesusland to knock out gay marriage and premarital sex/sex for pleasure and drive women back into roles of submission". my thought now: "what a novel approach". i liked it to forcing the hand of the American public. as though "well, here, then, let us help you DEFINE marriage".

it'll never hold, of course. but "thanks for playing", as Maggie'd say.

Washington: New Legislation Says, "No Children, No Marriage"

By Anthony Cuesta

Same-sex marriage advocates in Washington are pushing a state ballot measure that would limit marriage only to couples who prove they can bear children within three years.

Proponents say the proposal was aimed at "social conservatives who have long screamed that marriage exists for the sole purpose of procreation."

The Associated Press reports that The Washington Defense of Marriage Alliance acknowledged on its Web site that the initiative was "absurd" but hoped the idea prompts "discussion about the many misguided assumptions" underlying a state Supreme Court ruling that upheld a ban on same-sex marriage. The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) limits marriage to a union of one man and one woman.

The measure would require couples to prove they can have children to get a marriage license and would dissolve the union of those who remain childless.

All other marriages would be defined as "unrecognized," making those couples ineligible for marriage benefits.

The Defense of Marriage Alliance's Gregory Gadow told the Seattle Times that his alliance — whose name itself is part of the parody, forming the acronym DOMA — is a loosely organized group of 15 or so friends. While they will work to get Initiative 957 on the ballot and passed in November, Gadow said he doesn't really want to see it enacted — and would expect the Supreme Court ultimately to strike it down as unconstitutional.

The paperwork for the measure was submitted last month. Supporters must gather at least 224,800 signatures by July 6 to put it on the November ballot.

Cheryl Haskins, executive director of Allies for Marriage and Children, told the AP that opponents of same-sex marriage want only to preserve marriage as the union of a man and a woman.

"Some of those unions produce children and some of them don't," she said to the AP.

(and some of us produce children outside those unions! yay, unmarried!)


night moves

sounds in the background:

evie wailing because she doesn't want to go to bed. sigh. we have to be awake at 5 something to make it all happen...meaning get to the oakland county courthouse at 8 am to fight the man. where the man equals the state of michigan and friend of the court.

wish me luck. actually, give man-wife your priority wishes. i'm the moral support for tomorrow.


tired head, tired hands

i did the math--yes, really...i have answered / read 156 emails in the last 24 hours. seriously. i spent 4 hours answering emails, logging the info, and making charts for my attack plan yesterday. mind you, these are all emails from grad students about one subject.

i guess it's official--i'm all grown up, being that even email can make me tired.



(i was TAGGED!)

the topic is: list six stupid things or facts about you.

1. I can't sleep without locking the front door.

2. I'm awful about cuting my hair. It's pure laziness. I haven't cut it since last March, and it's getting so long I can cover myself like Eve. Well, except with more sin and split ends.

3. I'll hit the snooze button for an hour or more, if you let me. By "you", of course, I am referring to Jeremy, Evie, and the dog (Beans).

4. I'm fantastically judgemental...I've even made lists of characteristics in people which drive me batty. Seriously. And I'm pretty sure I posted it somewhere.

5. I still haven't read the Harry Potter books, or watched The Sopranos, or the Harry Potter movies...I'm not really one to be reading or watching what everyone else is. Exception: The Lord of the Rings (says the Lord of the NErds!)

6. If one more person asks me "when Evie is going to get her little brother" (besides my mom, she can do whatever the fuck she pleases) I am going to vomit on them. That's not really a fact, that's just a warning.

Ah, hunger + caffiene = Moody-gela

Yes, and tag everyone. If you read this, consider yourself tagged:)


product placement

do you think we can get a few grand for this?

not only was i obsessed with this cereal during my pregnancy (ask Tim, who duttifully dropped off boxes of the stuff, along with tomato soup and canned pineapple) but also while nursing.

we can play the sort of "generational" angle, you know, like those old Quaker Oats commercials.

this is all part of my grand plan for either man-wife or myself to be a stay-at-home. well, if it's man-wife, we know what that means...he and Evie and Beans playing Settlers of Catan all day. hey, if anyone can teach a dog to play board games, it's Jeremy.
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new additon

when i typed the title, for a moment i was thrown back to the days of "new edition". funny stuff.

this little lady, pictured above, is our newest addition--Autumn (Grace?) Williams, my sister Zelda and her wonderful husband Brent's bundle of baby joy. she joins her big brother Andrew Jacob Phillip Williams, who will be two soon. she looks ready to suck her thumb or flip the camera off, in which case she'd be taking after her favorite Tia, Angela. :)

now I am busy plotting how soon I can get to Georgia to get my hands on this little one. until then, you can bet I'll be posting pictures as they come in. congrats all around to Zelda, Brent and Bubba!
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