
a new poem




A stray shallot

rotted down

to its own papery


something culled

from Caravaggio:

Boy with a Basket

of Fruit.


One    flat    rock.


Surgical staples.


Our last surviving

wine glass, crusted

with Black Box

cabernet sauvignon.


One potted tiger lily.


The extra seeds

from our spring garden:

green beans

serrano peppers

cucumbers and cilantro.


The missing pieces

for the board games

Diplomacy and Risk.


1 comment:

Tim said...

The natural object is always the adequate symbol.

But this matter-of-factness strikes me as not-at-all Poundian and less Williams (although there's a touch of Spring and All) and more like Reznikoff or Rakosi.

This is a nice voice for you. Is a Caravaggio-themed chapbook in the works? Anything to say about Judith and Holofernes?