
anxious for baseball much, angela?

this is always how it starts--evie napping, jeremy passed out on the couch...an innocent afternoon of youtube-ing leads, inevitably, to watching far too many fan-made tigers tributes set to, you guessed it, "the eye of the tiger".

my love for joel zumaya (in a "hey, let me buy you a beer and talk about your pitch selection" kind of way, not a "hey, i'm going to throw you my bra" kind of way) is well documented. who wouldn't love a man whose every pitch seems to require that, as soon as the ball is firmly in ivan rodriguez's mitt, one add "bitches"? as in, "strike, bitches", or "88-mile-an-hour change-up, bitches". (i love using the phrase"bitches and hos" or just plain "bitches" in reference to sports. which is funny, as i am a feminist, and have an above-average vocabulary. incidentally, this is also why i won't ever be a professional color commentator or play-by-play caller...my mouth is too filthy. hah! who wants to podcast tiger's games with me this year? like "mystery science 3000" for baseball?)

anyway. here's a full, hilarious and fantastic breakdown of the greatness that is joel zumaya. send him healing thoughts. think spring...training!

Voodoo Sabermetrics - Joel Zumaya « The Extrapolater
His left arm has a large flame and cross tattoo on it, which acts as foreshadowing of what’s to come for the batter: fire from God. On its own, this isn’t a lot, but when Zumaya’s allergies are acting up his left eye shifts Terminator red. With one ocular ablaze, for you, Joel Zumaya, a Victory V-12 with 12% alcohol.

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