
but then again, i voted to go topless...

but then again, i voted to go topless... thanks to tim c. for calling attention to brandon's concise, truthful and witty take on the Super Tuesday voting:

The color of the tee shirt doesn't matter. Nor does the sex of the tee shirt. But would you choose to wear only two tee shirts (read: Bush and Clinton), alternating one and then the other, for over twenty years without once stopping to get a whiff of how funky you smell and how tacky you look? It's Super Tuesday and it's time to buy a new tee shirt (read: Obama, American Apparel). Stop wearing the same shitty clothes, America.

For the record, I voted Ron Paul in Michigan's primary, which I suppose is something like anarchy (who knew being a strict interpreter of the Constitution would one day feel like anarchy?) which in this case/this metaphor would be like going topless.

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