
bob dylan, johnny cash, jim leyland

while little one naps, I'm attempting to write. and of course I am thinking about the men of my myth—bob dylan, Johnny cash, mark rothko, doc holliday, (soon to be jim leyland when I finish the damn poem!) and so on.


a few things strike me:


  1. there are substantially more men in my mythological history than women. (for example: my abuelito has a whole series of poems, my abuelita perhaps three.)
  2. many of my myth-men were connected to each other somehow—bob dylan and johnny cash are an easy example; if I ever pursue a phd, my thesis will be proving what Caravaggio and Rothko have to do with one another.
  3. why don't I have more "women heroes"? I mean, yes, in my life, I do—but they are women I know and love and look to for a substantial amount of guidance. of these, only my mother and sister really make an appearance in my poems. and, if I am rewriting my own history in terms of myth, why I am choosing men who are "distant"? there's something vaguely troubling about this, both poetically and personally.


hmmm. food for thought. I have another headache—I am very much hoping that this isn't the beginning of another month-long sinus infection.

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